It comes to a point where it.....

rrrreally starts to irritate me when I tried commenting on Faith's blog and it turns out almost a full length blog.. So? Decision comes to blogging on my own blog. But still, I left a comment there as a bait.. (evil huh!)

First and foremost. Great work there. All her thots on Monetary stuff and happiness. Thats a great inspiration for those of us who has been moving in such a pace that we don't know where we are heading off to! Glad that she has found new insights on these issues and last but not least, congrats on the new found job.

Keong's stuff is good indeed. I have been following his laws of power.. Its really interesting!

XR's work is great.. esp the one on the ubin one.. With the 2 kiddos. Great job there!


"competitiveness = materialism"
-extracted from faith's blog-

In my point of view, it should be materialism that brings about competitiveness in human. If humans are not materialistic in the first place, they wouldn't have compete so hard right? But still, she has her point there. These 2 words go hand in hand really.

It does make me feel bad about myself actually. Thinking of it, everyday is a challenge. Its a competition. It really does straint me alot sometimes. I have always wanted to be a high-flyer, but on my course towards my goals, I have to give up alot of happiness on my way. Its a trade off kind of thing. Grades and stuff like that are all "materialistic wants", what more is it than an alphabert on your transcripts? But still, I do hanker after them. People do hanker after them.

I have to confess. I'm a very competitive person. I can find the smallest of things to compete with. And who gets the shit? My friends obviously. Of cos, not forgetting my enemies. I compete with almost anything I can find in my way. There is simply so much things I would compete on. But still, ultimately, I always become my own "worst enemy". I ended up fighting against myself.

But anyway still. No matter what, I still have to find a way to come to terms with all my wants and needs in life. On my way to find the balance in life, I will often lose my balance.

I know.. I know.. I'm just too "Object-Oriented"


Anonymous said...

yayaya. Object Oriented..

So u would hav a cheerene controller to control ur classes right?

Fifi® said...

wah lau eh...Java again!!! *headache*!!! Hahahahaha

well well, one thing to be have a constructive competition, is another to have a destructive one.

I do haf friends who who turns their own friends off the moment they open their mouth or asked a question. Yes, i am going through it right now.

I feel that, happiness, character and the many other elements like, quality time, be it with dear friends or family, are things you should take along with you onto every stage of life you are entering in.

Being a high-flyer, i suppose, doesn't just mean you have that title and that kind of money, but also someone who is loved by his/her surbodinates, friends and family memebers.

What wil be left to you, if u risk happiness, character and quality time to obtain the status, but you lose out on all the other elements?

Obtaining that kind of life, i feel is more like a reward. Yes, is a good thing and everyone should move towards that goal. But while moving on, you maintain your own responsibility, your key elements, the status of what we dream of will be attributed to us as a reward. By then, is not just the status we are toking about, the returns are much bigger, with more happiness, better personality, most importantly, you become influencial, to impact man lives to live properly and do good.

Just my thots.

Cheerene said...

yes.. that java thing sure is giving me headache..

>> clear
%matlab function for clearing all those stuff.. hehe

There better not be a controller in my life.. Its mine afterall.. no one controls it.

But geez thanks, faith.. I do understand what you mean.. Sometimes, I do pause and ask myself.. am I really heading the wrong way?

But two things for sure. Happiness and freedom (to me) are things that can never be lost. And the most important lesson I have ever learnt in life.. family does matter.

Too many things to handle in life man. Simply too much.. Like I said, I have tried finding the balance in life, but in the midst, I will lose balance sometimes. I guess thats when friend comes in to lend a hand.