what has gone wrong?

I will just spend a few minutes on this.. nutting more.. yes.. tired of work.. and feeling very sick.. I dun noe y.. I felt so sick.. something wrong with my body somewhere and i just dun noe where it has gone wrong..

Im tired.. I'm sick and tired of trying! I'm really sick of it! AND... stop trying to ask me to keep trying.. It doesn't work!

Why do I have to do things the way that people dun? Why do I have to go thru the things people dun? Why do I have to suffer under such things that people dun?

People tend to ask me.. "Do u really want to give up now?"
Come on, do I really have a choice?.. damn it, how m i suppose to give up now? If I give up now.. What will I be? Its god damn fuck up and yet I can't give up! Guess wat.. I knew this fact better than anyone else! ARGGHH.. i dun noe wat im saying! I only know that I'm fuck up! Yes..

I'm fuck up, with a fuck up attitdue.. I lazy.. Im stupid , wat else do u wan me to say? I dun noe............... I'm just so damn damn damn damn fucked up now!

I think its just my life.. people work 1 hour and earn 10 bucks.. I work 1 hr and earn 5 bucks... ppl study 1 day can understand 5 chapters.. i study the whole day and cant even do 1 chapter.. FCUK.

This sure didn't took long.. 10 mins of fucking around blogsite.. it didn't really make me feel better.. but i still have to go now..

Seconds by seconds,
I just felt closer to home and reunion.