Nite nite!

Maybe for a very short bloggy before i go n rest!

Well.. today have been a busy day! As time goes by, I've been getting the hang of the job. Definitely my previous stint with the company has paid off! It really helps me alot when i pick things up!

Today we actually went down to the warehouse to go a physical check on the inventory. It was hard work, but hey.. no pain, no gain! Hahaha, at least now that we manage to clear alot of things, it will help to facilitate my work in the future! Now the whole area looks much cleaner n much nicer!

Wow, i've been trying to change the whole working environment like mad, no time to waste.. Its about time they experience something different in their normal daily working life! Hahaha.. Well at least i'm making everybody's life easier(hopefully)! Implementing new systems and rules definitely will benefit all in the long run!

In time to come, we shall all see..

Enjoy the wonderful week ahead, and lets meet up for a drink sometime soon.. All of us(esp those who haven been updating their bloggies) will have alot of catching up to do!! Cheers!!

Between now and then, till I see you again, I'll be loving you..
