My student life in Temasek Polytechnic is definitely a very fulfilling one, especially when i entered the Diploma in Computer Engineering. It was my first time experiencing the Problem Based Learning(PBL). It was tough at first, but slowly got used to it. I used to complain alot about this teaching method, but i soon realised its strength. It also gives me a chance to get to know my team-mates better. It is also through PBL that i understand the importance of teamwork.
Soon after i joined Computer Engineering, I made my way to its student welfare club, known as Computer Engineering Network(CENT), as its excutive committee. I'm really glad that i made the choice to join this club as it has given me many opportunities to meet and work with people from all over CEN. Through organizing and participating in the club events, I really get to know each and everyone of the club better, be it the executive committee or sub committee.
Its through organizing events for the club, i have learnt to put trust on people. I strongly believe that trust is one of the most important factor to keep everyone in the team moving. Another 2 key factors to maintain the team are responsibility and initiative. All members of the team should be responsible to for their own tasks and should take initiative to help one another in the team when help is needed. You should know when to take the lead, when to be a follower. Always keep the morale high within the team, it definitely helps the team to work more efficiently.
I remember that my drama instructor once told me that, in every play, how well the main character performs very much depend on all the rest of the minor characters. These minor characters are the ones who will be able to bring out the outstanding qualities of the main character. If we feel that the main character can performed well, the credits should actually go to all the minor characters as they are the ones who have done a good job in bringing out the best performance in the main character. Same for the minor characters, how well they can perform will depend on how well the main character can lead them.
The same applies for teamwork, each and everyone in the team has their own role to play, be it a leadership role or just a teamworker role, a team would not be able to perform without any one of these roles. Every role is just as important as each other.
Through all my experiences in TP, I got to know myself better. I begin to understand myself, i begin to speak up for myself. I will not hesitate to give my point of view. But I have also learn to accept other people's point of view too because I understand that i could not be always right. In some situations, all of us may not be wrong too! Every problem will have more that one solutions, so its perfectly alright to have different points of views on how to solve the problem.
In life, there will be many inevitable failures, but it is always important to keep trying. Never give up easily and i believe that i will succeed one day if i keep trying. There is nothing wrong with trying. If we do not try, we will never know how far we can go. Life is short, do not live to regret it.
A quote from American Idol contestant, William Hung.
"I have done my best and I have no regrets"
In everything we do, most important is that we must know that we have given it our best shot. Nothing else matters. Winning is just a bonus.
My APEL reflection... End up become just another of my blog.. Cheers
Posted by
on Sunday, March 21, 2004
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Moulding the Future of Our Nation
Posted by
on Saturday, March 13, 2004
Comments: (1)
There is some of talks about being teacher yesterday.. It really makes me think again and again! About my childhood dreams.. about all those who really make the difference in my life.. the people who mould the nation... Teachers!
There are many different types of lecturers/teachers around us! ever thought of categorizing them?? Well i have actually come up with 6 categories today! I'm pretty sure there are more! But i dun want to write all here! I've been receiving complaints saying that my blog is simply too long!! I promise to cut short next time.. NEXT TIME!! Hahaha Btw all this analysis i've done is only on those lecturers/teachers that have taught me before! Some i never add also.. cos i lazy!
Teacher/Lecturer Category 1:
Super nice, very cheerful and friendly, always very on the ball! Really like very "motherly"/"fatherly" type! Can really talk to students! This type of Teacher/lecturer are normally much closer to their students compared to other types! This category also like Aunt agony ah, can tell them about "almost" everything.. Trust them to give you nutting but GOOD ADVICE! Also, never doubt their teaching abilities! Given their naggy nature, they will always drill everything into their student's head before ending the class!! But to a certain extend, this type always get bullied by students! Often i will also bully them, but once they managed to gain my trust, They can have all my respect le! This is the type that is the most patient among all the lecturers/teachers category! They are the people whom you will feel more comfortable with. They are the ones who really cares alot for the welfare of their students!
Overall this is the type that will use their kindness to melt their student's heart thus making students, like me, always listen to them! Always associated with young-at-heart but not as in their real age thou!
Who is under this Category: Mdm Irene Koh(aka mummy)
Teacher/Lecturer Category 2:
Appears to be very Fierce, Very scary! Seldom lame with students! Always have a serious look on their face! But they can be really nice also! They can also joke occassionally! Normally their jokes are quite funny thou! This category will often draws a very clear line between students and teacher. Never overstep the line, or else you will regret it for the rest of your life! But this is also the type that always make students perform (..due to stress)! Usually in their class, there is no life! All will keep very quiet.. fearing that they might be the next unlucky chap to get punish! All under this type are very unique, they have their own ways of punishing students! You can never find 2 teachers/lecturers using similar methods to scare the daylights out of those poor students! Normally this category of lecturers/teachers have very big eyes! And they often use it to freak out their students! one thing to note.. most of they talk in very standard english!
Overall this is the type which most students fear.. unless the student is the top of class! They gain respect thru instilling fear into students heart!
Who is under this Category: Mr Barnabas Woon, Miss Kwan Eng Eng, Dr Yin(he is very serious de, i seldom really talk to him), Mdm Sue(my sec school english Teacher), Mr De Souza(primary 5 form Teacher), Mrs Tan(primary 6 form Teacher)
Teacher/Lecturer Category 3:
Somehow friendly, somehow quite nice! Always wear a smile on their face. Always deliever what they need to teach! Don't really know how to joke. Enjoy telling "cold" jokes which makes them look like a clown! They are very focused on their teaching! Normally all new and inexperienced teachers/lecturers fall under this category! But as they get more experience, most will leave this category! But depending on case to case, some will take about 1/2 to 1 year to leave this category, some will take up to 3 to 5 years! usually in their class, they can't heard their own voice, cos they still have not master the art of "crowd-control"! This type of lecturers/teachers will find it a drag to go for their classes! Normally this category of lecturer/teacher are of very small physical size!
Overall this is the type that are often targets of bad students! Always identified as "easy-to-bully"!
Who is under this Category: Miss Tiew (my sec 4 form teacher.. She was new from NIE then.. after 2 years of teaching, always tot of quitting due to stress.. end up i was the one who go and tell her to push on! Dun give up! hmm.. heard that she is now teaching in Tampines Sec!)
Teacher/Lecturer Category 4:
They are the ones that all will respect due to many different reasons! Their collegues respect them because of their experience, the students(like me) respect them because we are afraid that they might just drop dead in the middle of theclass! Yes.. i'm talking abt those old teachers/Lecturers! These teachers/lecturers can often be seen hanging around canteens and often in groups of their kind! Hardly find them with new/young lecturers/teachers, cos they can't communicate due to generation gap! They are often late for class due to their walking speed! They often dismiss the class early because they need to "RUSH" to their next class! What they teach is what they see on the book! They wun't be bother to think of new n intersting ways to teach like those new teachers/lecturers! In their class, everyone is very quiet.. due to many different reasons also.. Some are alseep.. Some writing love letters.. Some are reading comics.. Some are copying homework "preparing" for the next class! Let me teach you some ways to handle them! If you ever get tired listening to their lesson, get them to talk about their experience! They have so much of it, they can go on and on for the rest of the lesson! Once they get into the mood of talking about themselves, they will not care if you are listening to them or not!
Overall this is the type that are will behave like grandfather and grandmother. Show them due respect and they will leave you alone for the rest of the year!
Who comes under this Category: Miss Wee (My Chinese Teacher.. believe it or not, she simply loves hello kitty! WTH..), Mr See (POA Teacher.. the fella that was locked out of the class by me)
Teacher/Lecturer Category 5:
These are the ones very closely related to Category 3! They are somehow friendly and nice! Always smile! Always deliever what they need to teach! But these are the ones fully armed with experience and knowledge to fully control their classes! Their jokes are abit funnier than those told by lecturer/techers in Category 3! These are the ones who are very clear of what they need to teach.. then after their teaching, they always welcome all the Qs & As! This is the type where students find it a drag to attend their class.. cos there is no or really limited ways they can make the lecturers/teachers paisay! But everytime just before Exams or term test, these lecturers/teachers will find their lecture hall/classroom very packed because this is the category of lecturers/teachers who likes to give lots of tips and hints!
Overall this type of lecturers/teachers have no problems with students and are quite likeable by all!
Who is under this Category: Mr Richard Seow, Mdm Wee May Ling, Mdm Khin Ann Mon, Mr Boey Chee Kin, Mr Steven Tan(but he dun really give alot of hints lah), Mr Ng Wee Boon(hmmmm.... ), Mrs Ang(my geography teacher), Mrs Goh(taught me PE, and E-maths.. Her explaination really very clear de! Best sia!)
Teacher/Lecturer Category 6:
These are those who are here to teach for only 1 purpose! "Get the money and get out of here!" If you learn anything from them, good for you! But if you dun learn anything from them, its none of their business(none of mine too)! most relieve teachers come under this category!
Overall you wil find their class more anjoyable because there is no work involved! If they attempt to give you any homework, just chuck it into the dutsbin and enjoy the rest of the day!
Who is under this Category: like i said, most relieve teachers! So far, all my lecturers and teachers are among the very best! I'm proud to say there is none of them under this category!
There are many different types of lecturers/teachers around us! ever thought of categorizing them?? Well i have actually come up with 6 categories today! I'm pretty sure there are more! But i dun want to write all here! I've been receiving complaints saying that my blog is simply too long!! I promise to cut short next time.. NEXT TIME!! Hahaha Btw all this analysis i've done is only on those lecturers/teachers that have taught me before! Some i never add also.. cos i lazy!
Teacher/Lecturer Category 1:
Super nice, very cheerful and friendly, always very on the ball! Really like very "motherly"/"fatherly" type! Can really talk to students! This type of Teacher/lecturer are normally much closer to their students compared to other types! This category also like Aunt agony ah, can tell them about "almost" everything.. Trust them to give you nutting but GOOD ADVICE! Also, never doubt their teaching abilities! Given their naggy nature, they will always drill everything into their student's head before ending the class!! But to a certain extend, this type always get bullied by students! Often i will also bully them, but once they managed to gain my trust, They can have all my respect le! This is the type that is the most patient among all the lecturers/teachers category! They are the people whom you will feel more comfortable with. They are the ones who really cares alot for the welfare of their students!
Overall this is the type that will use their kindness to melt their student's heart thus making students, like me, always listen to them! Always associated with young-at-heart but not as in their real age thou!
Who is under this Category: Mdm Irene Koh(aka mummy)
Teacher/Lecturer Category 2:
Appears to be very Fierce, Very scary! Seldom lame with students! Always have a serious look on their face! But they can be really nice also! They can also joke occassionally! Normally their jokes are quite funny thou! This category will often draws a very clear line between students and teacher. Never overstep the line, or else you will regret it for the rest of your life! But this is also the type that always make students perform (..due to stress)! Usually in their class, there is no life! All will keep very quiet.. fearing that they might be the next unlucky chap to get punish! All under this type are very unique, they have their own ways of punishing students! You can never find 2 teachers/lecturers using similar methods to scare the daylights out of those poor students! Normally this category of lecturers/teachers have very big eyes! And they often use it to freak out their students! one thing to note.. most of they talk in very standard english!
Overall this is the type which most students fear.. unless the student is the top of class! They gain respect thru instilling fear into students heart!
Who is under this Category: Mr Barnabas Woon, Miss Kwan Eng Eng, Dr Yin(he is very serious de, i seldom really talk to him), Mdm Sue(my sec school english Teacher), Mr De Souza(primary 5 form Teacher), Mrs Tan(primary 6 form Teacher)
Teacher/Lecturer Category 3:
Somehow friendly, somehow quite nice! Always wear a smile on their face. Always deliever what they need to teach! Don't really know how to joke. Enjoy telling "cold" jokes which makes them look like a clown! They are very focused on their teaching! Normally all new and inexperienced teachers/lecturers fall under this category! But as they get more experience, most will leave this category! But depending on case to case, some will take about 1/2 to 1 year to leave this category, some will take up to 3 to 5 years! usually in their class, they can't heard their own voice, cos they still have not master the art of "crowd-control"! This type of lecturers/teachers will find it a drag to go for their classes! Normally this category of lecturer/teacher are of very small physical size!
Overall this is the type that are often targets of bad students! Always identified as "easy-to-bully"!
Who is under this Category: Miss Tiew (my sec 4 form teacher.. She was new from NIE then.. after 2 years of teaching, always tot of quitting due to stress.. end up i was the one who go and tell her to push on! Dun give up! hmm.. heard that she is now teaching in Tampines Sec!)
Teacher/Lecturer Category 4:
They are the ones that all will respect due to many different reasons! Their collegues respect them because of their experience, the students(like me) respect them because we are afraid that they might just drop dead in the middle of theclass! Yes.. i'm talking abt those old teachers/Lecturers! These teachers/lecturers can often be seen hanging around canteens and often in groups of their kind! Hardly find them with new/young lecturers/teachers, cos they can't communicate due to generation gap! They are often late for class due to their walking speed! They often dismiss the class early because they need to "RUSH" to their next class! What they teach is what they see on the book! They wun't be bother to think of new n intersting ways to teach like those new teachers/lecturers! In their class, everyone is very quiet.. due to many different reasons also.. Some are alseep.. Some writing love letters.. Some are reading comics.. Some are copying homework "preparing" for the next class! Let me teach you some ways to handle them! If you ever get tired listening to their lesson, get them to talk about their experience! They have so much of it, they can go on and on for the rest of the lesson! Once they get into the mood of talking about themselves, they will not care if you are listening to them or not!
Overall this is the type that are will behave like grandfather and grandmother. Show them due respect and they will leave you alone for the rest of the year!
Who comes under this Category: Miss Wee (My Chinese Teacher.. believe it or not, she simply loves hello kitty! WTH..), Mr See (POA Teacher.. the fella that was locked out of the class by me)
Teacher/Lecturer Category 5:
These are the ones very closely related to Category 3! They are somehow friendly and nice! Always smile! Always deliever what they need to teach! But these are the ones fully armed with experience and knowledge to fully control their classes! Their jokes are abit funnier than those told by lecturer/techers in Category 3! These are the ones who are very clear of what they need to teach.. then after their teaching, they always welcome all the Qs & As! This is the type where students find it a drag to attend their class.. cos there is no or really limited ways they can make the lecturers/teachers paisay! But everytime just before Exams or term test, these lecturers/teachers will find their lecture hall/classroom very packed because this is the category of lecturers/teachers who likes to give lots of tips and hints!
Overall this type of lecturers/teachers have no problems with students and are quite likeable by all!
Who is under this Category: Mr Richard Seow, Mdm Wee May Ling, Mdm Khin Ann Mon, Mr Boey Chee Kin, Mr Steven Tan(but he dun really give alot of hints lah), Mr Ng Wee Boon(hmmmm.... ), Mrs Ang(my geography teacher), Mrs Goh(taught me PE, and E-maths.. Her explaination really very clear de! Best sia!)
Teacher/Lecturer Category 6:
These are those who are here to teach for only 1 purpose! "Get the money and get out of here!" If you learn anything from them, good for you! But if you dun learn anything from them, its none of their business(none of mine too)! most relieve teachers come under this category!
Overall you wil find their class more anjoyable because there is no work involved! If they attempt to give you any homework, just chuck it into the dutsbin and enjoy the rest of the day!
Who is under this Category: like i said, most relieve teachers! So far, all my lecturers and teachers are among the very best! I'm proud to say there is none of them under this category!
Some add-ons for yesterday's blog! Erm.. I mean my EARLY morning 4 am blog! Cheers!
Posted by
on Thursday, March 11, 2004
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Hahaha.. Let me write another blog before i go to school!!
Sian ah.. After posting that long blog yesterday. I drop dead liao ah!!! I slept at around 430am! Just now woke up at 10am! Luckily today no 9am classes.. or else i sure die on the spot ah!
As usual.. still thinking about yesterday! Yesterday hor, I was telling them mummy always beat me.. Then jestin keep saying i was the one who bully mummy!! Really meh?? Jestin say i was the naughty one lor! Really meh?? I really got bully her meh?? Really meh?? Hahaha so many "really meh?" I only joke about her age mah! Then still got some other of our usual jokes lor!!
But hor.. I really that naughty meh?? Can anyone tell me?? Hahaha
I was the one being beaten leh.. End up i still become the bad guy! Y like that?? Hahahaha maybe its because i always disturb them, thats y to them, i'm like a bad guy! lolx... hahaha! But hey... Tis is not going to stop me from disturbing u, jestin!! Let me sing u a song..
this is the song...
the elmo song..
Yesterday nite.. I was doing my work, i was somehow expecting my sister to come home.. But she nv did! I was wondering y so late already, she still not home yet! It was only after i read thru my own blog again then i realised that she WAS MARRIED!! Quite sad ah! Now i m all alone again.. nobody to nag at me, Nobody to talk to me in the middle of the nite, Nobody to ask me go swimming with her, Nobody ask me to clean the room for her, nobody to order me around, nobody to ask me cook for her, nobody to come n quarrel with me, no body to fight with, nobody to lame with, nobody to ask me go shopping and pay for all my stuff(occassionally)! All is suddenly gone.. Its only then.. I just realised.. I miss her!
Before she got married, I was hoping that she would get married sooner, the sooner the better! Go away and leave me alone! Dun come and bother me about little things!
Y are humans always like that?? They only learn to treasure things when they are gone? But dun be sad lah! Can email each other, can sms each other, can call each other, can go out with each other! Hahaha silly me! Only thing is that we dun get to see each other that often! So?? Hahaha.. She should be the one feeling sad cos she cannot see me! I'm so cute, I'm sure she would miss me when i'm not with her! Anyway, i'll be seeing her tonite! We are all having dinner together to celebrate my mum's birthday! Guess how old is she liao?? I better dun write here, or else she is going to blame me for "publicising" for her! Lolx. hahaha tonite i will write lots more!! Tonite i sure will have alot of things to say de!! More to complaint, more to say.. more feelings to express!!
Stay Tune..
Dun stop loving me~~
Sian ah.. After posting that long blog yesterday. I drop dead liao ah!!! I slept at around 430am! Just now woke up at 10am! Luckily today no 9am classes.. or else i sure die on the spot ah!
As usual.. still thinking about yesterday! Yesterday hor, I was telling them mummy always beat me.. Then jestin keep saying i was the one who bully mummy!! Really meh?? Jestin say i was the naughty one lor! Really meh?? I really got bully her meh?? Really meh?? Hahaha so many "really meh?" I only joke about her age mah! Then still got some other of our usual jokes lor!!
But hor.. I really that naughty meh?? Can anyone tell me?? Hahaha
I was the one being beaten leh.. End up i still become the bad guy! Y like that?? Hahahaha maybe its because i always disturb them, thats y to them, i'm like a bad guy! lolx... hahaha! But hey... Tis is not going to stop me from disturbing u, jestin!! Let me sing u a song..
this is the song...
the elmo song..
Yesterday nite.. I was doing my work, i was somehow expecting my sister to come home.. But she nv did! I was wondering y so late already, she still not home yet! It was only after i read thru my own blog again then i realised that she WAS MARRIED!! Quite sad ah! Now i m all alone again.. nobody to nag at me, Nobody to talk to me in the middle of the nite, Nobody to ask me go swimming with her, Nobody ask me to clean the room for her, nobody to order me around, nobody to ask me cook for her, nobody to come n quarrel with me, no body to fight with, nobody to lame with, nobody to ask me go shopping and pay for all my stuff(occassionally)! All is suddenly gone.. Its only then.. I just realised.. I miss her!
Before she got married, I was hoping that she would get married sooner, the sooner the better! Go away and leave me alone! Dun come and bother me about little things!
Y are humans always like that?? They only learn to treasure things when they are gone? But dun be sad lah! Can email each other, can sms each other, can call each other, can go out with each other! Hahaha silly me! Only thing is that we dun get to see each other that often! So?? Hahaha.. She should be the one feeling sad cos she cannot see me! I'm so cute, I'm sure she would miss me when i'm not with her! Anyway, i'll be seeing her tonite! We are all having dinner together to celebrate my mum's birthday! Guess how old is she liao?? I better dun write here, or else she is going to blame me for "publicising" for her! Lolx. hahaha tonite i will write lots more!! Tonite i sure will have alot of things to say de!! More to complaint, more to say.. more feelings to express!!
Stay Tune..
Dun stop loving me~~
Outing to Tekong.. Fun Fun Fun
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Today i took cab to school ah, the first bus was too crowded ah, then the 2nd bus came very late and if i took it, i cnf will be late for my Operating System Lab de! So no choice, must take cab! Haiz.. Must cut down on $$ spend on sweets and all those outings and gatherings liao! or else how to survive for the rest of the month?? $$ dun fall from the sky.. nor do they grow on trees! But guess wat.. The lecturer was also late!! Argh... should have just taken the bus! Waste my $$!!! Really stupid rite!
Hahaha then later went for D-code lab! Got back my paper today! Kind of surprise! I got 92.5/100!! Coolz! Among the top few ppl in class! Ivan and gang were saying that i getting more n more "violent"(all who can score well are known as violent ppl in our class)ah!But i believe that i could have done better lor! I made some silly mistakes here and there! highest in class was 95/100.. one of them who got 95 was my shifu, Chi! Wahahaha PRO rite?? Everytime i last minute panick for exams, she will always help me! so today i treated her lunch to thank her lor! And then i still have to thank mummy.. for her nagging, for pushing me, for her care and concern and for everything else! I told her before lor.. if no one ever come n push me.. nag at me, I wouldn't be able to perform lor! Thankkkk youuuuu soooo muchhhh!!
Then i tink its because the class score well, then the lecturer happy.. so let us off very very early! around 1115, i was already out of class heading for short circuit! Then we eat and chat and slack! Waiting for the clock to struck 12! At 12, we went to level 1 to take the bus to the ferry terminal and catch a ferry to Tekong! Hmm.. Tekong.. Here we come!!!
So finally arrived at Tekong.. I want to complaint... I want to complaint!!!! Hahahaha, today hor, keep on being BULLIED by mummy, Jaslyn, Jestin they all ah! Wahahaha, When we alight the ferry, saw mummy, then she ask me about my marks for d-code! And of cos, i gave her my usual answer:"Dun tell you leh!" Wah.. Almost instantly.. she smack me on my arm ah! Wah.. she getting stronger nowadays.. hit harder and harder! Then i tell her i didn't do so well.. she abit shock lah, then she ask me if got 70 and above?? I started to laugh lor and say of cos have lah... then i keep telling her i have lots of careless mistakes all these! Finally i told her i scored 92.5 ...... Then the second smack came(oso very hard ah)!! I think she abit surprise lor, a funny joker like me can score 90 over!! Hahaha what to do? Bo bian rite? Tell you liao.. She come n nag n nag n nag! Dun study oso cannot!! Hahahaha.. then on the way from the ferry to the centre(dun noe the name).. she dun noe hit me how many times liao! I tink she really enjoying herself hitting me ah.. so never mind lah! She can hit all she want lah! As long as she happy can liao! Like people always say lor.. "DA SHI TENG, MA SHI AI"! Hmm.. This proves how much she cares for me ah! Lolx. Chris tell me its because she cannot out-talk me, thats y she need to use hands!! Hahaha..
We watch a video then after that tour around the place lor! Play here and there! Take so many photos lor! With out usual pose! Got army uniforms.. got these army boys exercising.. got their ration pack.. got army boys fall in.. and lots lots more ah! We can take picture almost everywhere and any where!! Then still got one very nice one, all CEN YOUNG girls + 1 NOT SO YOUNG LADY! hmmm... U all know who izzit??? Dun tell u leh!! Hahaha
Mummy very excited ah.. Keep looking for Boyfriends for all of us! I really afraid she will really walk up to the soldier and ask him for phone number ah!! she always look so serious ah! Hahahaha lucky she never do any of this funny things lor! Or else i really need to find a hole n bury my head inside liao! Oh yah.. mummy mentioned about Keng loon today, she say he sounds not bad ah! She say can try! Hahaha.. See how lah! All depend on fate! Hahaha.
Then we continued "sight-seeing" lor! then me, apple, jaslyn and jestin hor, really Cannot Make It ah!! keep on joke joke joke! Laugh all the way.. Then still disturb mummy! lolx.. Actually its me only lah, i go and make some jokes about her age again.. inviting another smack on my arm! hahaha! Jaslyn n jestin all laugh n laugh.. Then hor still want to bite me after that! Wahahaha.. I think they see me they all can really destress alot ah! Cos i always swarm them with lame lame jokes!!
Today finally taken my dreamed photo with yong and Tianbo! Got meaning one hor.. I dun just take picture with anyone ah!! Hahaha then joke joke joke.. lame all the way back to the main land lor. Then i took bus back to school! They go Short circuit to discuss about project... then me n jestin go n disturb mummy and her project team member lor! Then later after awhile i go CENT room to return mummy's stuff to her lor! She totally forgot about them ah!! Hahaha.. I M NOT THE BLURREST!! Then she say she want to lose weight lor.. she say she wanna lose abt 5kg!! Guess wat i told her?? I said:"Go short circuit and buy another plate of fries and eat lor!!"... Then again.... SMACK! Aiyo... Mummy very fierce ah!! Hahaha.. Its actually a joke lah, she was eating fries earlier on at short circuit mah.. then later at CENT room she say she want to lose weight!! Funny rite?? And of cos i wouldn't miss a single chance to disturb anyone!
Then go to starbucks with jestin, jaslyn, apple, JH, Chris, Max and Faith lor! But we ended up in Mac donald! Lame and crap there! Hahaha... we all are the noisiest in the place liao ah! Hahahaha.. Then whole nite.. i tried to make everyone feel in place by cracking alot of "cold" jokes lor! Then JH they all keep saying "Its not funny anymore", "talk to my hand", "ding ding dang"!! Wahahaha BTH ah! Never mind lah! Occassionally lame abit its alrite lah! Wait till i recover from my lack of sleep.. then u all know! I will show you my real power ah!! So funny lah.. Jaslyn n Jestin they all keep laughing at me abt the test age! I realised that i'm the only one getting over 40!!! But i'm only 19.. whats wrong with me????? hahaha
Then reach home quite late.. Bath.. then online to around 1230am.. then start to write my resume and cover letter lor!! i do abit sleep abit then finish it quite slow lor! Hahaha then i start to type blog till now... Oh my god!! 4am liao!! Die die die!! lolx.
Hahaha then later went for D-code lab! Got back my paper today! Kind of surprise! I got 92.5/100!! Coolz! Among the top few ppl in class! Ivan and gang were saying that i getting more n more "violent"(all who can score well are known as violent ppl in our class)ah!But i believe that i could have done better lor! I made some silly mistakes here and there! highest in class was 95/100.. one of them who got 95 was my shifu, Chi! Wahahaha PRO rite?? Everytime i last minute panick for exams, she will always help me! so today i treated her lunch to thank her lor! And then i still have to thank mummy.. for her nagging, for pushing me, for her care and concern and for everything else! I told her before lor.. if no one ever come n push me.. nag at me, I wouldn't be able to perform lor! Thankkkk youuuuu soooo muchhhh!!
Then i tink its because the class score well, then the lecturer happy.. so let us off very very early! around 1115, i was already out of class heading for short circuit! Then we eat and chat and slack! Waiting for the clock to struck 12! At 12, we went to level 1 to take the bus to the ferry terminal and catch a ferry to Tekong! Hmm.. Tekong.. Here we come!!!
So finally arrived at Tekong.. I want to complaint... I want to complaint!!!! Hahahaha, today hor, keep on being BULLIED by mummy, Jaslyn, Jestin they all ah! Wahahaha, When we alight the ferry, saw mummy, then she ask me about my marks for d-code! And of cos, i gave her my usual answer:"Dun tell you leh!" Wah.. Almost instantly.. she smack me on my arm ah! Wah.. she getting stronger nowadays.. hit harder and harder! Then i tell her i didn't do so well.. she abit shock lah, then she ask me if got 70 and above?? I started to laugh lor and say of cos have lah... then i keep telling her i have lots of careless mistakes all these! Finally i told her i scored 92.5 ...... Then the second smack came(oso very hard ah)!! I think she abit surprise lor, a funny joker like me can score 90 over!! Hahaha what to do? Bo bian rite? Tell you liao.. She come n nag n nag n nag! Dun study oso cannot!! Hahahaha.. then on the way from the ferry to the centre(dun noe the name).. she dun noe hit me how many times liao! I tink she really enjoying herself hitting me ah.. so never mind lah! She can hit all she want lah! As long as she happy can liao! Like people always say lor.. "DA SHI TENG, MA SHI AI"! Hmm.. This proves how much she cares for me ah! Lolx. Chris tell me its because she cannot out-talk me, thats y she need to use hands!! Hahaha..
We watch a video then after that tour around the place lor! Play here and there! Take so many photos lor! With out usual pose! Got army uniforms.. got these army boys exercising.. got their ration pack.. got army boys fall in.. and lots lots more ah! We can take picture almost everywhere and any where!! Then still got one very nice one, all CEN YOUNG girls + 1 NOT SO YOUNG LADY! hmmm... U all know who izzit??? Dun tell u leh!! Hahaha
Mummy very excited ah.. Keep looking for Boyfriends for all of us! I really afraid she will really walk up to the soldier and ask him for phone number ah!! she always look so serious ah! Hahahaha lucky she never do any of this funny things lor! Or else i really need to find a hole n bury my head inside liao! Oh yah.. mummy mentioned about Keng loon today, she say he sounds not bad ah! She say can try! Hahaha.. See how lah! All depend on fate! Hahaha.
Then we continued "sight-seeing" lor! then me, apple, jaslyn and jestin hor, really Cannot Make It ah!! keep on joke joke joke! Laugh all the way.. Then still disturb mummy! lolx.. Actually its me only lah, i go and make some jokes about her age again.. inviting another smack on my arm! hahaha! Jaslyn n jestin all laugh n laugh.. Then hor still want to bite me after that! Wahahaha.. I think they see me they all can really destress alot ah! Cos i always swarm them with lame lame jokes!!
Today finally taken my dreamed photo with yong and Tianbo! Got meaning one hor.. I dun just take picture with anyone ah!! Hahaha then joke joke joke.. lame all the way back to the main land lor. Then i took bus back to school! They go Short circuit to discuss about project... then me n jestin go n disturb mummy and her project team member lor! Then later after awhile i go CENT room to return mummy's stuff to her lor! She totally forgot about them ah!! Hahaha.. I M NOT THE BLURREST!! Then she say she want to lose weight lor.. she say she wanna lose abt 5kg!! Guess wat i told her?? I said:"Go short circuit and buy another plate of fries and eat lor!!"... Then again.... SMACK! Aiyo... Mummy very fierce ah!! Hahaha.. Its actually a joke lah, she was eating fries earlier on at short circuit mah.. then later at CENT room she say she want to lose weight!! Funny rite?? And of cos i wouldn't miss a single chance to disturb anyone!
Then go to starbucks with jestin, jaslyn, apple, JH, Chris, Max and Faith lor! But we ended up in Mac donald! Lame and crap there! Hahaha... we all are the noisiest in the place liao ah! Hahahaha.. Then whole nite.. i tried to make everyone feel in place by cracking alot of "cold" jokes lor! Then JH they all keep saying "Its not funny anymore", "talk to my hand", "ding ding dang"!! Wahahaha BTH ah! Never mind lah! Occassionally lame abit its alrite lah! Wait till i recover from my lack of sleep.. then u all know! I will show you my real power ah!! So funny lah.. Jaslyn n Jestin they all keep laughing at me abt the test age! I realised that i'm the only one getting over 40!!! But i'm only 19.. whats wrong with me????? hahaha
Then reach home quite late.. Bath.. then online to around 1230am.. then start to write my resume and cover letter lor!! i do abit sleep abit then finish it quite slow lor! Hahaha then i start to type blog till now... Oh my god!! 4am liao!! Die die die!! lolx.
Respect? Do you have it?
Posted by
on Monday, March 08, 2004
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Aiya.. Today wanted to write about something more serious de! The topic for tonite is "RESPECT"! But somehow i've decided not to write my own story ah! Cos if i write it all here.. like not showing respect to the person i wanted to dedicate this blog posting to! Hahaha.. So forget it lah! Just remember this lor:
Respect is not just merely a word that you use for the sake of using!
It is a word with a very deep meaning behind it!
It is a word that must come truly from your heart..
You wouldn't get it even if you hold a high position in any organization,
Not unless if you can earn it with your actions.
You wouldn't get it even if you have the loudest voice in any organization,
Not unless if you can earn it with your actions.
If you want it, You have to earn it!
You can get it, only when you are worth it!
BTW, I show basic courtesy to all, even if i dun talk back at you, doesn't mean i respect you! Its all basic manners and courtesy which is what my parents have taught me since young, I dun want to embarrass you infront of all! Dun ever drive me to a corner.. I will make sure you regret it for the rest of your life! I will turn your world around and make it my mission to bury you ALIVE! Always feel free to try, But results will depend on case to case basis! But in all cases, I WILL BE THE LAST WOMAN STANDING! : )
I seldom flare up infront of all.. But doesn't mean i dun flare up! I can assure you that it would be a very ugly sight when you see me flaring up(anyone seen it before?)! ITS NOT GOING TO BE FUNNY ANYMORE!
Sorry ah.. i noe my english really very lousy ah! Hahaha but i have done my best and i have no regrets! Do give me some comments on how to improve this lor! Or if you have any topics you want me to write on, Can email me at or just leave a msg at my shoutbox! Wahahaha.. today's blog sound very serious! But dun worry! I WILL BE THE LAST WOMAN STANDING. Lolx...
Dun stop loving me~~
Respect is not just merely a word that you use for the sake of using!
It is a word with a very deep meaning behind it!
It is a word that must come truly from your heart..
You wouldn't get it even if you hold a high position in any organization,
Not unless if you can earn it with your actions.
You wouldn't get it even if you have the loudest voice in any organization,
Not unless if you can earn it with your actions.
If you want it, You have to earn it!
You can get it, only when you are worth it!
BTW, I show basic courtesy to all, even if i dun talk back at you, doesn't mean i respect you! Its all basic manners and courtesy which is what my parents have taught me since young, I dun want to embarrass you infront of all! Dun ever drive me to a corner.. I will make sure you regret it for the rest of your life! I will turn your world around and make it my mission to bury you ALIVE! Always feel free to try, But results will depend on case to case basis! But in all cases, I WILL BE THE LAST WOMAN STANDING! : )
I seldom flare up infront of all.. But doesn't mean i dun flare up! I can assure you that it would be a very ugly sight when you see me flaring up(anyone seen it before?)! ITS NOT GOING TO BE FUNNY ANYMORE!
Sorry ah.. i noe my english really very lousy ah! Hahaha but i have done my best and i have no regrets! Do give me some comments on how to improve this lor! Or if you have any topics you want me to write on, Can email me at or just leave a msg at my shoutbox! Wahahaha.. today's blog sound very serious! But dun worry! I WILL BE THE LAST WOMAN STANDING. Lolx...
Dun stop loving me~~
My Resume..
Posted by
on Sunday, March 07, 2004
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i just did the age test..
Very scary results:
Tested Age: 41
Difference between Real Age and Tested age: 22
Childishness: 48%
Maturity: 46%
Aging: 64%
OMG.. Wat is happening to me??? Among the ppl i noe taking this test! It seems that i am the "oldest" liao lor! Hahaha.. but among them i most mature lah! Hahaha.. Sian.. must be mummy lah... hang out with her too often liao... Now i aging sia! BTH.. Hahahaha no wonder chris like to call me mummy cheerene! But good mah! I like to become auntie! Can go market and buy fish! No need go to school! Can stay at home and cook.. No need to do java! Nice hor! Maybe i really should work as mummy's maid after i graduate lor! Dun noe if she still want to hire me bo?? Hahaha or is there anyone looking for domestic maid??
My Profile:
Name: Cheerene Wee Li Ping
Age: always 18
Address: Moving to your place soon!
Telephone: _____________(fill in the blank yourself)
Status: Always available (But please make advance booking.. U never know when i'm gonna get married again)
1.Can make sushi
2.Can eat sushi
4.Able to speak fluent dialects and many bad words
5.Great responsibility in work (i finish what i start.. like sushi.. i make and i eat)
6.Creative and resourceful
7.Willing to take up new challenges (like changing boyfriends..)
Additional Skills:
Computer Knowledge:
4.Yahoo Messenger
All of my online contacts.
I declare that all the information submitted and in my resume, is to the best of my knowledge, to be true and accurate.
Very scary results:
Tested Age: 41
Difference between Real Age and Tested age: 22
Childishness: 48%
Maturity: 46%
Aging: 64%
OMG.. Wat is happening to me??? Among the ppl i noe taking this test! It seems that i am the "oldest" liao lor! Hahaha.. but among them i most mature lah! Hahaha.. Sian.. must be mummy lah... hang out with her too often liao... Now i aging sia! BTH.. Hahahaha no wonder chris like to call me mummy cheerene! But good mah! I like to become auntie! Can go market and buy fish! No need go to school! Can stay at home and cook.. No need to do java! Nice hor! Maybe i really should work as mummy's maid after i graduate lor! Dun noe if she still want to hire me bo?? Hahaha or is there anyone looking for domestic maid??
My Profile:
Name: Cheerene Wee Li Ping
Age: always 18
Address: Moving to your place soon!
Telephone: _____________(fill in the blank yourself)
Status: Always available (But please make advance booking.. U never know when i'm gonna get married again)
1.Can make sushi
2.Can eat sushi
4.Able to speak fluent dialects and many bad words
5.Great responsibility in work (i finish what i start.. like sushi.. i make and i eat)
6.Creative and resourceful
7.Willing to take up new challenges (like changing boyfriends..)
Additional Skills:
Computer Knowledge:
4.Yahoo Messenger
All of my online contacts.
I declare that all the information submitted and in my resume, is to the best of my knowledge, to be true and accurate.
Who is more Evil!
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Let me share this funny equation with all of u!
Guys often say that to girls take up alot of their time and money!
Put it into an equation form:
Girls=time x money
We always know that "time=money"
Hence: Girls=money x money
Then there is a saying that money is the root of all evil ("Sq root of Evil")
So: Girls= "Sq root of Evil" x "Sq root of evil"
Ultimately: Girls = Evil
Then we often say that guys are very greedy! They are not satisfy with only one girl! So they will have more than 1 girl in their mind at all times!
To put that into equation form:
Guys = Girls x Girls
And from our previous equation, we derive that "girls = evil"
Hence we can say that: Guys = Evil x Evil
To conclude, we can simply say that:
Guys = EVIL square (meaning doubly evil than girls)
2 equations:
Girls = Evil
Guys = Evil Square (meaning doubly evil than girls)
Well well well.. what can we conclude from these equations? Leave your comments at the shout box ba! Hahahaha.. Enjoy!
Guys often say that to girls take up alot of their time and money!
Put it into an equation form:
Girls=time x money
We always know that "time=money"
Hence: Girls=money x money
Then there is a saying that money is the root of all evil ("Sq root of Evil")
So: Girls= "Sq root of Evil" x "Sq root of evil"
Ultimately: Girls = Evil
Then we often say that guys are very greedy! They are not satisfy with only one girl! So they will have more than 1 girl in their mind at all times!
To put that into equation form:
Guys = Girls x Girls
And from our previous equation, we derive that "girls = evil"
Hence we can say that: Guys = Evil x Evil
To conclude, we can simply say that:
Guys = EVIL square (meaning doubly evil than girls)
2 equations:
Girls = Evil
Guys = Evil Square (meaning doubly evil than girls)
Well well well.. what can we conclude from these equations? Leave your comments at the shout box ba! Hahahaha.. Enjoy!
My sister got MARRIED!
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Today is a really tiring day! Hmm.. i slept at around 230am last nite! Then got to wake up at 6 this morning! Hahaha.. but i drag drag drag till around 645 then go and bath! Guest started coming in at around 715+! Wahahaha so much excitement in the air! Yes.. Thats right, my sister is finally getting married! Everyone were very excited and were so busy with all our own task.. well.. except for my brother! Eating was his task maybe! He sat there and ate and ate and ate! I was very busy Walking everywhere! Well.. I was one of the main organizer for today's event(hmm.. wonder if i can get some CCA points for this? hahaha)! I'm really like a PR officer.. got to chat with the guest and entertain them! Then i also have to make sure everything goes as planned! Timing is a very important factor ah! Crowd management oso another very important factor ah!
Everytime during chinese new year, my relatives will start asking me when i getting married?? They ask the same thing yesterday! Guess what i told them? "May lor, right after i get my diploma!" Hahahaha..But hor.. seriously.. i more interested to organize ppl's wedding then organize my own wedding ah!
The groom came at around 730.. Hahaha i was there to guard the door! Hmm.. Well.. I'm not a bad person afterall! I did not make him do any silly things before letting him in! He managed to "bribe" me off with a Ang Pow!! There was a cheque inside... well well well, not going to tell you the figure on the cheque! Hahaha. My aunts were trying to make things difficult for him! Lucky the groom is smart enough to shout for my mum! Just one word from my mum.. the rest of the aunts just have to stand aside and let me open the door! Wahaha, sounds so commanding rite? Now u all noe y i so scare of my mum?
Then later paying respect to the elders at home and some photo shots, we left for AMK, Off to the groom's grandmother's place! Actually i tot i have to stay gaurd at my home! But well... my sister can't do without me by her side! So i get to follow her around like her personal assistant.. helping her to take care of all the details of the whole event(like her jewellery and clothings)! This is a feat that only me can handle.. Stand her temper! I do flare up at times, but definitely not during events like this! This is her once-in-a-life-time event.. and i want to do my best to run it smoothly for her!
Then after tea-serving, we came back to my place where the couple go thru another round of tea serving! Then they went to their home at marine parade! Then later to my uncle's place to offer joss sticks to my grandma as a form of respect! After a while, they went to their hotel room! So at around 430, the London cab came to pick up my brother,little sister and me, detour to AMK to pick up 2 of the girls,huiling and jacqueline from the groom side family and go to the hotel! We reach the place at around 515pm! Tired and sleepy.. i went to their room for a short nap! It was pretty comfy there! When my sister's friends came.. They say y i was still in bed? and y my sister still not in her gown? Y both of us still so relax??? Hahaha maybe its becos we have work out everything already, thats y we have no worries! Relax sia! Aiyo.. dun be a gan chiong spider lah! Lolx.
Then later the other compere,keng Loon, came! We went thru the flow of the whole program for a moment! We didn't even bother to go thru a round of practice lah all because of 1 word, TRUST! I know that he can do it.. He also felt the same maybe.. so we didn't bother to do it! Then it was time to go to the ballroom to settle all the details! I had all the managers and crews to deploy! Wahaha it was really shiok! But of cos i did not order them around lah! Afterall they are the professionals in their own field! They are more PRO than me lor! I just need to tell the manager jennifier what i want/need, she jus say a few words to her crew.. everyone noes wat to do liao! Very fast n efficient! No cock-ups..
I went to the stage area with keng Loon and started the whole event! It was really a very nice lor.. He is a nice fella, very gentleman and i enjoyed talking to him ah! He is look quite mature and is a graduate from NTU lor! Abit of joker lah! Heard that he is also from the Chinese Orhestra in NTU! Man who knows about music are usually more charming! Lolx. He can talk pretty well.. he was clear in his speech delievery ah! He did the english version and i did the mandrine version! hey..I oso not bad lah! My aunts and uncles were saying that i could work as a presenter @ mediacorps or mediaworks after my poly cos according to them, i sounded quite steady during my speeches! I think they were just joking lah, hahaha! But i have done my best and i have no regrets! U noe, I have no professional training ... hmm... But when i went thru my speech ah, i almost cried ah! Very touch somehow.. when my sister walk into the ballroom! Now i finally understand y TV show always got ppl cry when ppl getting married!
The got cake cutting.. then later got champange pouring then got all the yam seng stuff!!! Hahaha My sister invited her ang mor co-worker all the way from Zurich to come on stage to lead the Yam Seng ah! Fun sia! Hahaha. Then went around all the tables to take picture all this lor!
Very soon, the dinner ended ah! Then i have to walk around and entertain my crowd ah! Like saying bye bye all this! then lame around! Then later i went out to find my sister lor! Hahaha.. jokingly, she hug me and said "thank you for coming".. Of cos i hug her back lah! Then i whisper into her ears "i'm finally free from u"! So funny lor the both of us! Then later i oso stand there to shake hands with the guests! Wahaha.. then see that ang mor again! Wahaha.. he really big and strong! Firm and hard! Really got feel! Wey... I talking about the handshake.. what u tinking again?? His girlfriend is quite pretty also! Somehow i find that she look like the female lead character in Jay Chou's MTV, Yi Fu Zhi Ming! Lolx.. i watch too much Jay chou le lah!
Then all the guest left liao.. Left my family and the groom's family! Settling some of the stuff! And some photo shots again! Then later i walk to my sister again! Hahaha.. this time i hug her first ah.. Then again i whisper to her "Your bed is now mine" Then i kissed her on her cheek! Hahaha.. her eyes abit wet ah..she laugh lor! She say i always cannot behave ah! Everytime like to say weird things at weird timing! But hey.. thats me lor! What to do? Bo bian rite? I actually abit sad ah.. nobody to talk to in the middle of the nite! Where to find ppl to talk to in the middle of the nite when i can't sleep??? But as long as she is happy.. I'm happy for her too!
Then after that i got the London Taxi to drive us back home! Reach home at about 1130 ah! Tired sia.. Bath liao.. then start to write blog.. But halfway thru cannot ton liao! Then save in notepad then go zzz le.. thats y now con't to write ah! Actually slept on her bed lor.. but dun noe y when i woke up.. i was on the floor liao!
But overall it was a very good experience ah.. Its like organizing events in CENT lor! But this time is working with other people lor! Most of them were uni graduates.. with many years of working experience ah! All quite professional ah.. To them, I'm just like a small fry! But i still can handle all my workload lor! Hahaha.. can hold my head high sia!
Everytime during chinese new year, my relatives will start asking me when i getting married?? They ask the same thing yesterday! Guess what i told them? "May lor, right after i get my diploma!" Hahahaha..But hor.. seriously.. i more interested to organize ppl's wedding then organize my own wedding ah!
The groom came at around 730.. Hahaha i was there to guard the door! Hmm.. Well.. I'm not a bad person afterall! I did not make him do any silly things before letting him in! He managed to "bribe" me off with a Ang Pow!! There was a cheque inside... well well well, not going to tell you the figure on the cheque! Hahaha. My aunts were trying to make things difficult for him! Lucky the groom is smart enough to shout for my mum! Just one word from my mum.. the rest of the aunts just have to stand aside and let me open the door! Wahaha, sounds so commanding rite? Now u all noe y i so scare of my mum?
Then later paying respect to the elders at home and some photo shots, we left for AMK, Off to the groom's grandmother's place! Actually i tot i have to stay gaurd at my home! But well... my sister can't do without me by her side! So i get to follow her around like her personal assistant.. helping her to take care of all the details of the whole event(like her jewellery and clothings)! This is a feat that only me can handle.. Stand her temper! I do flare up at times, but definitely not during events like this! This is her once-in-a-life-time event.. and i want to do my best to run it smoothly for her!
Then after tea-serving, we came back to my place where the couple go thru another round of tea serving! Then they went to their home at marine parade! Then later to my uncle's place to offer joss sticks to my grandma as a form of respect! After a while, they went to their hotel room! So at around 430, the London cab came to pick up my brother,little sister and me, detour to AMK to pick up 2 of the girls,huiling and jacqueline from the groom side family and go to the hotel! We reach the place at around 515pm! Tired and sleepy.. i went to their room for a short nap! It was pretty comfy there! When my sister's friends came.. They say y i was still in bed? and y my sister still not in her gown? Y both of us still so relax??? Hahaha maybe its becos we have work out everything already, thats y we have no worries! Relax sia! Aiyo.. dun be a gan chiong spider lah! Lolx.
Then later the other compere,keng Loon, came! We went thru the flow of the whole program for a moment! We didn't even bother to go thru a round of practice lah all because of 1 word, TRUST! I know that he can do it.. He also felt the same maybe.. so we didn't bother to do it! Then it was time to go to the ballroom to settle all the details! I had all the managers and crews to deploy! Wahaha it was really shiok! But of cos i did not order them around lah! Afterall they are the professionals in their own field! They are more PRO than me lor! I just need to tell the manager jennifier what i want/need, she jus say a few words to her crew.. everyone noes wat to do liao! Very fast n efficient! No cock-ups..
I went to the stage area with keng Loon and started the whole event! It was really a very nice lor.. He is a nice fella, very gentleman and i enjoyed talking to him ah! He is look quite mature and is a graduate from NTU lor! Abit of joker lah! Heard that he is also from the Chinese Orhestra in NTU! Man who knows about music are usually more charming! Lolx. He can talk pretty well.. he was clear in his speech delievery ah! He did the english version and i did the mandrine version! hey..I oso not bad lah! My aunts and uncles were saying that i could work as a presenter @ mediacorps or mediaworks after my poly cos according to them, i sounded quite steady during my speeches! I think they were just joking lah, hahaha! But i have done my best and i have no regrets! U noe, I have no professional training ... hmm... But when i went thru my speech ah, i almost cried ah! Very touch somehow.. when my sister walk into the ballroom! Now i finally understand y TV show always got ppl cry when ppl getting married!
The got cake cutting.. then later got champange pouring then got all the yam seng stuff!!! Hahaha My sister invited her ang mor co-worker all the way from Zurich to come on stage to lead the Yam Seng ah! Fun sia! Hahaha. Then went around all the tables to take picture all this lor!
Very soon, the dinner ended ah! Then i have to walk around and entertain my crowd ah! Like saying bye bye all this! then lame around! Then later i went out to find my sister lor! Hahaha.. jokingly, she hug me and said "thank you for coming".. Of cos i hug her back lah! Then i whisper into her ears "i'm finally free from u"! So funny lor the both of us! Then later i oso stand there to shake hands with the guests! Wahaha.. then see that ang mor again! Wahaha.. he really big and strong! Firm and hard! Really got feel! Wey... I talking about the handshake.. what u tinking again?? His girlfriend is quite pretty also! Somehow i find that she look like the female lead character in Jay Chou's MTV, Yi Fu Zhi Ming! Lolx.. i watch too much Jay chou le lah!
Then all the guest left liao.. Left my family and the groom's family! Settling some of the stuff! And some photo shots again! Then later i walk to my sister again! Hahaha.. this time i hug her first ah.. Then again i whisper to her "Your bed is now mine" Then i kissed her on her cheek! Hahaha.. her eyes abit wet ah..she laugh lor! She say i always cannot behave ah! Everytime like to say weird things at weird timing! But hey.. thats me lor! What to do? Bo bian rite? I actually abit sad ah.. nobody to talk to in the middle of the nite! Where to find ppl to talk to in the middle of the nite when i can't sleep??? But as long as she is happy.. I'm happy for her too!
Then after that i got the London Taxi to drive us back home! Reach home at about 1130 ah! Tired sia.. Bath liao.. then start to write blog.. But halfway thru cannot ton liao! Then save in notepad then go zzz le.. thats y now con't to write ah! Actually slept on her bed lor.. but dun noe y when i woke up.. i was on the floor liao!
But overall it was a very good experience ah.. Its like organizing events in CENT lor! But this time is working with other people lor! Most of them were uni graduates.. with many years of working experience ah! All quite professional ah.. To them, I'm just like a small fry! But i still can handle all my workload lor! Hahaha.. can hold my head high sia!
I'm the BOSS!
Posted by
on Friday, March 05, 2004
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Seems that my blog has become a place where i can pour out all my tots! Can be about anything under the sky! AM i too naggy? Hahaha.. Bo bian rite.. this is my blog.. I can do watever i want! U cannot STOP ME! I'M THE BOSS HERE! lolx...
This is really fun! Maybe i can express myself more clearly here? Maybe i'm just not use to telling u something straight in your face! But this blog has really become a place for me to "FA XIE"! For me to express out all my inner most tots.. rather than keeping them for so long! Its has become a place for me to say things that i dun dare to say to you! Be it funny... romantic.. or just plain stupid!
Cheers to innoCENT! Cheers to the creators of these bloggy stuff and of cos the little girl who help me do up this bloggy! Cheers to all my avid fans! Cheers to all those who find my lame stuff interesting! Cheers to all my frends! Cheers to my loved ones (u are under this cat. too)! Cheers to u, Cheers to me, Cheers to CENT!
Dun stop loving me! ~~~
This is really fun! Maybe i can express myself more clearly here? Maybe i'm just not use to telling u something straight in your face! But this blog has really become a place for me to "FA XIE"! For me to express out all my inner most tots.. rather than keeping them for so long! Its has become a place for me to say things that i dun dare to say to you! Be it funny... romantic.. or just plain stupid!
Cheers to innoCENT! Cheers to the creators of these bloggy stuff and of cos the little girl who help me do up this bloggy! Cheers to all my avid fans! Cheers to all those who find my lame stuff interesting! Cheers to all my frends! Cheers to my loved ones (u are under this cat. too)! Cheers to u, Cheers to me, Cheers to CENT!
Dun stop loving me! ~~~
Hang on baby.. I'll be back!
Posted by
on Thursday, March 04, 2004
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Hihi.. Sorry ah! Will be very very busy the next few days! Might not have time to update my bloggie! just leave me a msg ba! When i'm back in action! I promise to write more! I already got some plans as on what to write! I'm sure you guys will enjoy them! Its gonna be really funny!
So much things to do lor....
-FYP( having my PR2 on friday afternoon)
-OS Teaching Notes(i dun noe y i choose such a long topic lor... siansation ah)
-Dcode Teaching Notes
-Sister's wedding(hey.. i'm gonna be the Emcee... I gonna earn alot man!! Pretty broke nowadays! Tml i'm going to the "hole on the wall" to get some crispy notes! Anyone wants a treat?)
-CN lab test!(Sian i dun even know wat is going on in the lecture, how to sit for test??)
-D'cup volleyball..(so long nv play.. i dun noe how to survive the practice.. my back still hurts alot after my badminton game yesterday..)
All this is going to keep me busy at least till next weekend! Simply hate this feeling!
Btw, what is your choice for the post just now? My very first tot was to let the train go the usable track! Cos i felt that the group of boys does not deserve any help! Sounds very bad?? But its true lor, why should i help you when you dun want to help yourself?
Better behave myself.. My frends are saying i getting more LL nowadays! Since they hear me talk back to Miss Kwan Eng Eng.. I've become their role model in LL-ness! But i really never meant to talk back to her de!! I feel quite bad abt it lor, thou the rest of u might find it funny!(Its actually quite funny lah) Its been a long time since i talk back ah!
The last time was during my Sec 4.. I actually quarel with my A-maths Teacher.. Who ask her to say such awful things! Look down on me ah.. look lor... i not scare ah! I really sian ah, I got top the class a few times during those class tests lor! My maths actually quite good de! No joke lor! Its only that i seldom do my homework mah.. like to sleep in class mah..Like to talk alot in class mah.. Like to disrupt ur teaching mah.. Like to laugh at you mah.. Like to scold !@#^%$@# mah...other than that i nv do anything liao lor!(woah... i did so much sia)! But as a teacher, u should really do some thinking lor.. I feel that you shouldn't have said those words! To think these words actually came out of a teacher's mouth.. Ha! LAME! But i don't blame you! I'm wrong in the first place.. I shouldn't have misbehave myself in class! Till the end.. I think i should still say sorry to you! I'm really sorry, i've never shown you enough respect as a teacher! maybe its abit to late to say this now! But again, Its the tots that counts!
But at that time.. of cos i never think this way lor! I'm very stupid ah! Very childish lor.. The very next day after a big quarel in class with her, i walk into the principal office and say i want to drop A-Maths! Lolx... So cool rite! But stoopid me ah.. Y drop those easy to score subjects??
But now is different le.. If u look down on me.. I WILL SHOW U WHO IS THE BOSS! hmmmm.. my boss ah?? who else but ***** lor.. Lolx! sian..
So much things to do lor....
-FYP( having my PR2 on friday afternoon)
-OS Teaching Notes(i dun noe y i choose such a long topic lor... siansation ah)
-Dcode Teaching Notes
-Sister's wedding(hey.. i'm gonna be the Emcee... I gonna earn alot man!! Pretty broke nowadays! Tml i'm going to the "hole on the wall" to get some crispy notes! Anyone wants a treat?)
-CN lab test!(Sian i dun even know wat is going on in the lecture, how to sit for test??)
-D'cup volleyball..(so long nv play.. i dun noe how to survive the practice.. my back still hurts alot after my badminton game yesterday..)
All this is going to keep me busy at least till next weekend! Simply hate this feeling!
Btw, what is your choice for the post just now? My very first tot was to let the train go the usable track! Cos i felt that the group of boys does not deserve any help! Sounds very bad?? But its true lor, why should i help you when you dun want to help yourself?
Better behave myself.. My frends are saying i getting more LL nowadays! Since they hear me talk back to Miss Kwan Eng Eng.. I've become their role model in LL-ness! But i really never meant to talk back to her de!! I feel quite bad abt it lor, thou the rest of u might find it funny!(Its actually quite funny lah) Its been a long time since i talk back ah!
The last time was during my Sec 4.. I actually quarel with my A-maths Teacher.. Who ask her to say such awful things! Look down on me ah.. look lor... i not scare ah! I really sian ah, I got top the class a few times during those class tests lor! My maths actually quite good de! No joke lor! Its only that i seldom do my homework mah.. like to sleep in class mah..Like to talk alot in class mah.. Like to disrupt ur teaching mah.. Like to laugh at you mah.. Like to scold !@#^%$@# mah...other than that i nv do anything liao lor!(woah... i did so much sia)! But as a teacher, u should really do some thinking lor.. I feel that you shouldn't have said those words! To think these words actually came out of a teacher's mouth.. Ha! LAME! But i don't blame you! I'm wrong in the first place.. I shouldn't have misbehave myself in class! Till the end.. I think i should still say sorry to you! I'm really sorry, i've never shown you enough respect as a teacher! maybe its abit to late to say this now! But again, Its the tots that counts!
But at that time.. of cos i never think this way lor! I'm very stupid ah! Very childish lor.. The very next day after a big quarel in class with her, i walk into the principal office and say i want to drop A-Maths! Lolx... So cool rite! But stoopid me ah.. Y drop those easy to score subjects??
But now is different le.. If u look down on me.. I WILL SHOW U WHO IS THE BOSS! hmmmm.. my boss ah?? who else but ***** lor.. Lolx! sian..
The potatoes i like most!
Posted by
on Wednesday, March 03, 2004
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Share a very nice story with all of you:
A kindergarten teacher has decided to let her class play a game. The
teacher told each child in the class to bring along a plastic bag
containing a few potatoes. Each potato will be given a name of a person
that the child hates, so the number of potatoes that a child will put in
his/her plastic bag will depend on the number of people he/she hates.
So when the day came, every child brought some potatoes with the name of
the people he/she hated. Some had 2 potatoes; some 3 while some up to 5
The teacher then told the children to carry with them the potatoes in the
plastic bag wherever they go (even to the toilet) for 1 week.
Days after days passed by, and the children started to complain due to the
unpleasant smell let out by the rotten potatoes. Besides, those having 5
potatoes also had to carry heavier bags. After 1 week, the children were
relieved because the game had finally ended.
The teacher asked: "How did you feel while carrying the potatoes with you
for 1 week?" The children let out their frustrations and started
complaining of the trouble that they had to go through having to carry the
heavy and smelly potatoes wherever they go.
Then the teacher told them the hidden meaning behind the game. The teacher
said: "This is exactly the situation when you carry your hatred for
somebody inside your heart. The stench of hatred will contaminate your
heart and you will carry it with you wherever you go. If you cannot
tolerate the smell of rotten potatoes for just 1 week, can you imagine what
is it like to have the stench of hatred in your heart for your lifetime???"
Moral of the story:
Throw away any hatred for anyone from your heart so that you will not carry
sins for a lifetime. Forgiving others is the best attitude to take!
Till this very day, I still a few potatoes on my hand... But i will slowly try to let go! What i can say is that carring these potatoes is really very tough! For years ah, i've been carrying these potatoes around le... about time to let go maybe?? Like what people always say, forgive and forget!
A kindergarten teacher has decided to let her class play a game. The
teacher told each child in the class to bring along a plastic bag
containing a few potatoes. Each potato will be given a name of a person
that the child hates, so the number of potatoes that a child will put in
his/her plastic bag will depend on the number of people he/she hates.
So when the day came, every child brought some potatoes with the name of
the people he/she hated. Some had 2 potatoes; some 3 while some up to 5
The teacher then told the children to carry with them the potatoes in the
plastic bag wherever they go (even to the toilet) for 1 week.
Days after days passed by, and the children started to complain due to the
unpleasant smell let out by the rotten potatoes. Besides, those having 5
potatoes also had to carry heavier bags. After 1 week, the children were
relieved because the game had finally ended.
The teacher asked: "How did you feel while carrying the potatoes with you
for 1 week?" The children let out their frustrations and started
complaining of the trouble that they had to go through having to carry the
heavy and smelly potatoes wherever they go.
Then the teacher told them the hidden meaning behind the game. The teacher
said: "This is exactly the situation when you carry your hatred for
somebody inside your heart. The stench of hatred will contaminate your
heart and you will carry it with you wherever you go. If you cannot
tolerate the smell of rotten potatoes for just 1 week, can you imagine what
is it like to have the stench of hatred in your heart for your lifetime???"
Moral of the story:
Throw away any hatred for anyone from your heart so that you will not carry
sins for a lifetime. Forgiving others is the best attitude to take!
Till this very day, I still a few potatoes on my hand... But i will slowly try to let go! What i can say is that carring these potatoes is really very tough! For years ah, i've been carrying these potatoes around le... about time to let go maybe?? Like what people always say, forgive and forget!
Yet anotherday.. I'm loving it!
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Tired tired tired! But yet another fulfilling day!
Got back my Operating system paper today! Quite sad ah! Never do as well as i expected! Got 46/50! got the 2 stupid MCQ wrong! That cost me 4 marks! I sort of expected to get 48 marks.. but.. well, what can i do?? bo bian rite! Hahaha today when i went into the Lecture hall, Mdm Khin Ann Mon came to me..
She said: Liping, Irene wants to know your marks
I said: So did you tell her?
She said: No.
I said: Hmm.. ok, please dun tell her.
She said: Y? you want to tell her yourself?
I said: Yeah.. maybe i will tell her.. dun let her know even better! Please dun tell her ok?
She said: Hmmmm.. ok ok! hahaha..
Then after my FYP i went to CENT room to disturb apple! She was doing her art apperciation thingy! So me and edward start to talk nonsense to her and distract her! Then later mummy came in! She brought in her badminton racket to lend me cos we were having a badminton game at 6pm! She asked me about my marks for OS lor... But i refuse to tell her ah.. Guess what she did? She tried to hit me with her racket ah! But i know she pattern pattern nia! She wouldn't bear to hit me de.. cos i so cute mah! Hahaha i know she only joking only! Then we talk talk talk.. then she ask me about the marks again! Wahahaha she think she can make me blur then will speak up! But too bad.. I was not that blur! So i told her.. "Hmm.. i don't know leh!" Wah this time she want to kick me ah! She getting more and more violent ah! But of cos, she is just kidding ah!
We talk talk talk.. Then we start to talk about her PSS lessons ah! She ask me what the colour hats stand for? Hmm.. How to remember? 1 year ago ah.. but i know got black(means negative stuff), Blue(means...Hmmm), Red(means...Ehhh), Green(means..i.i.. i ...), Yellow(means...), White(means.. eh.. as u can see... hmm)! Well at least i remember the colour hats! That edward dun even remember any hat! Even worst than me! But hor, i seriously need to find out what those colour means ah! Mummy wants to test me next week!! If i still dun noe by then, she will ask Miss Kwan Eng Eng to torture me ah! I told her i very scare of miss kwan because she has a pair of very big eyes! Very scary!!
Then later we go and play badminton ah! That edward really make me run around like hell! Really treat me like a monkey! Chris and Smith later came to join us! Chris very nice ah, She made me a sign! Very cute, got my name! I put it above my computer ah! Wah, my computer table now very nice ah! Got my sweet little cheddar, my 2 lovable care bears(Grumpy bear and Cheer bear) and now have the nice name sign! Actually still got a card holder that apple gave me! I like it very much ah.. so i nv use it, i just put on my table so i can see them everyday! All of u very sweet and nice ah!! All of you are very dear to me ah!! So i will definitely treasure what you all gave to me!
Then later mr boey and mummy came n play with us for awhile ah! Mummy came in that time.. she so happy ah, cos she already found out abt my marks lor! Sian.. Mdm khin never keep her promise ah! Dun friend her liao! Hahaha At that time we dun have court ah, so mr boey left quite early! Then mummy went to look for her husband! But i told him that i will invite him to join us again! I'll send email to him lor! Hahaha, i just have to keep reminding myself ah! Or else i will forget again! We then go n see people run lor! Then we saw mummy.. Haiz.. today she never run ah! Walk walk nia! Lolx.. We play badminton till around 830 then yiru they all want to pack up liao! So we went to return the stuff lor! Then we walk to the basketball court to say bye bye to mummy! Saw philip there oso! Then mummy told her husband that i know all the guys in TP! Wah, make me sound like wat sia! Lolx.. Then she say want to take home her badminton racket lor! So i pass to her! Wah should not have pass to her ah! She take liao.. She want to hit me again! hahaha she only play play ah! Dun worry! I so cute, who will want to hit me?? Especially when i'm so sweet and nice rite? Then we say bye bye liao.. then went off le! Yiru, edward and apple went to eat at tampines lor! Then i went home! Hahaha
Got back my Operating system paper today! Quite sad ah! Never do as well as i expected! Got 46/50! got the 2 stupid MCQ wrong! That cost me 4 marks! I sort of expected to get 48 marks.. but.. well, what can i do?? bo bian rite! Hahaha today when i went into the Lecture hall, Mdm Khin Ann Mon came to me..
She said: Liping, Irene wants to know your marks
I said: So did you tell her?
She said: No.
I said: Hmm.. ok, please dun tell her.
She said: Y? you want to tell her yourself?
I said: Yeah.. maybe i will tell her.. dun let her know even better! Please dun tell her ok?
She said: Hmmmm.. ok ok! hahaha..
Then after my FYP i went to CENT room to disturb apple! She was doing her art apperciation thingy! So me and edward start to talk nonsense to her and distract her! Then later mummy came in! She brought in her badminton racket to lend me cos we were having a badminton game at 6pm! She asked me about my marks for OS lor... But i refuse to tell her ah.. Guess what she did? She tried to hit me with her racket ah! But i know she pattern pattern nia! She wouldn't bear to hit me de.. cos i so cute mah! Hahaha i know she only joking only! Then we talk talk talk.. then she ask me about the marks again! Wahahaha she think she can make me blur then will speak up! But too bad.. I was not that blur! So i told her.. "Hmm.. i don't know leh!" Wah this time she want to kick me ah! She getting more and more violent ah! But of cos, she is just kidding ah!
We talk talk talk.. Then we start to talk about her PSS lessons ah! She ask me what the colour hats stand for? Hmm.. How to remember? 1 year ago ah.. but i know got black(means negative stuff), Blue(means...Hmmm), Red(means...Ehhh), Green(means..i.i.. i ...), Yellow(means...), White(means.. eh.. as u can see... hmm)! Well at least i remember the colour hats! That edward dun even remember any hat! Even worst than me! But hor, i seriously need to find out what those colour means ah! Mummy wants to test me next week!! If i still dun noe by then, she will ask Miss Kwan Eng Eng to torture me ah! I told her i very scare of miss kwan because she has a pair of very big eyes! Very scary!!
Then later we go and play badminton ah! That edward really make me run around like hell! Really treat me like a monkey! Chris and Smith later came to join us! Chris very nice ah, She made me a sign! Very cute, got my name! I put it above my computer ah! Wah, my computer table now very nice ah! Got my sweet little cheddar, my 2 lovable care bears(Grumpy bear and Cheer bear) and now have the nice name sign! Actually still got a card holder that apple gave me! I like it very much ah.. so i nv use it, i just put on my table so i can see them everyday! All of u very sweet and nice ah!! All of you are very dear to me ah!! So i will definitely treasure what you all gave to me!
Then later mr boey and mummy came n play with us for awhile ah! Mummy came in that time.. she so happy ah, cos she already found out abt my marks lor! Sian.. Mdm khin never keep her promise ah! Dun friend her liao! Hahaha At that time we dun have court ah, so mr boey left quite early! Then mummy went to look for her husband! But i told him that i will invite him to join us again! I'll send email to him lor! Hahaha, i just have to keep reminding myself ah! Or else i will forget again! We then go n see people run lor! Then we saw mummy.. Haiz.. today she never run ah! Walk walk nia! Lolx.. We play badminton till around 830 then yiru they all want to pack up liao! So we went to return the stuff lor! Then we walk to the basketball court to say bye bye to mummy! Saw philip there oso! Then mummy told her husband that i know all the guys in TP! Wah, make me sound like wat sia! Lolx.. Then she say want to take home her badminton racket lor! So i pass to her! Wah should not have pass to her ah! She take liao.. She want to hit me again! hahaha she only play play ah! Dun worry! I so cute, who will want to hit me?? Especially when i'm so sweet and nice rite? Then we say bye bye liao.. then went off le! Yiru, edward and apple went to eat at tampines lor! Then i went home! Hahaha
Tuesday is Funday
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Today is another tired day ah! i just got home a moment ago! But really enjoyed myself!
Lessons starts at 9 taday! CN lab.. 4 long hours! today nv go for my usual break, cos i wanted to concentrate on my work first! Wey... cheer for me leh! i seldom so hardworking de! Hahaha Today we crack some lame jokes with the lecturer ah! haha we never knew that he oso so funny de! Then went for the APEL class.. hmm.. as usual lor! Lame around lor... Chewling today say that vinoth in-front of the class sia! Woahahaha! That stoopid ass ask for it de! Not chewling's fault at all! Chewling.. way to go.. I will give u my support!!
Then later i went for lunch.. then met mummy! She also join us for lunch lor! Eat awhile then she rush for lessons liao! She very poor thing ah, Rush here rush there! Help out in the JAE then still got to rush back for class.. then end up eat a burger for lunch nia! At around 2++ ah! I see her so poor thing i oso scare ah, scare she cannot take it then fall sick ah!
After lunch went to look for apple n ryan to sign on the card i made! Finally got all the innoCENT to sign on it! Gave it to apple to pass to my idol Andrew! Wahaha.. just now ryan see the card hor, he say very nice sia! Wahaha.. make me feel so proud! Then i continue with my FYP liao lor! Do until around 5pm, lab tech say must pack up liao! Hahahaha so i happily pack up and went to look for mummy with apple lor! They all settle some accounts thingy for the CENTbiz ah!
Then me went to Sim Lim at the evening together with mummy! I got a floppy drive for myself and she bought a external harddisk.. $200++++ ah! But it look very nice! Sliver then very slim, very cool sia! Again, we talk alot lor! Can talk abt anything under the sky! Seems that i can really never hide anything from her lor.. Today finally told her about the miracle! She must be really proud of herself, she managed to squeeze the secret out of me! When we were walking towards bugis liao hor, she told me that we are like mother and daughter going shopping together lor! Very sweet ah! LOLX. We went to kelvin's shop to return the stocks ah! She feel bad abt holding them for so long! Then i told her abt the webby to see our character one, the one chris show me de! Then started to talk abt some funny things also, then i told her abt the horoscope thing! Told her that Leo is a pretty dorminating sign among the zodiac! then character very strong de! She laugh lor.. then she ask me if she is really like that? Hmmm.. wat do u think??
We took bus no 7 home ah! Then went pass my secondary school, CHUNG CHENG HIGH SCHOOL! I told her i use to be a very naughty student, quarrel with teachers and even lock my accounts teacher outside the class!! Wat else i cannot do?? hahaha! At that time, i was a real terror in many of the teachers heart! Then came to poly in year one still love to skip lectures! Really is like an AH LIAN lor! She like so shock when she heard that! So she ask me what made me change so much?
Guess wat was the thing that change my life? What else can it be??? of cos its mummy and CENT club lor! No joke ah! Ever since i join the club, i really tame down alot! I always tot that student leaders must set good examples for their peers lor! Always be the most well behave in class! so i Never ever dare to skip any lectures unless got LOA! Dun dare to talk back to lecturers liao! Hmm.. Then what did mummy change in my life? She really inspire me alot ah! The way she care for her students, the way she care for her family! Always remind me to go n exercise and do my work! Hahaha without her constant nagging hor.. really no drive to work sia! LOLx She make me see my dreams, my vision! I'm clear of what i really want! She also told me that my family really cares alot for me.. its something i never realised for so long! I am so stupid but its never too late to realise that fact! I promise myself that i will treasure them! Love them for who they are for the very fact that they love me too!
Lessons starts at 9 taday! CN lab.. 4 long hours! today nv go for my usual break, cos i wanted to concentrate on my work first! Wey... cheer for me leh! i seldom so hardworking de! Hahaha Today we crack some lame jokes with the lecturer ah! haha we never knew that he oso so funny de! Then went for the APEL class.. hmm.. as usual lor! Lame around lor... Chewling today say that vinoth in-front of the class sia! Woahahaha! That stoopid ass ask for it de! Not chewling's fault at all! Chewling.. way to go.. I will give u my support!!
Then later i went for lunch.. then met mummy! She also join us for lunch lor! Eat awhile then she rush for lessons liao! She very poor thing ah, Rush here rush there! Help out in the JAE then still got to rush back for class.. then end up eat a burger for lunch nia! At around 2++ ah! I see her so poor thing i oso scare ah, scare she cannot take it then fall sick ah!
After lunch went to look for apple n ryan to sign on the card i made! Finally got all the innoCENT to sign on it! Gave it to apple to pass to my idol Andrew! Wahaha.. just now ryan see the card hor, he say very nice sia! Wahaha.. make me feel so proud! Then i continue with my FYP liao lor! Do until around 5pm, lab tech say must pack up liao! Hahahaha so i happily pack up and went to look for mummy with apple lor! They all settle some accounts thingy for the CENTbiz ah!
Then me went to Sim Lim at the evening together with mummy! I got a floppy drive for myself and she bought a external harddisk.. $200++++ ah! But it look very nice! Sliver then very slim, very cool sia! Again, we talk alot lor! Can talk abt anything under the sky! Seems that i can really never hide anything from her lor.. Today finally told her about the miracle! She must be really proud of herself, she managed to squeeze the secret out of me! When we were walking towards bugis liao hor, she told me that we are like mother and daughter going shopping together lor! Very sweet ah! LOLX. We went to kelvin's shop to return the stocks ah! She feel bad abt holding them for so long! Then i told her abt the webby to see our character one, the one chris show me de! Then started to talk abt some funny things also, then i told her abt the horoscope thing! Told her that Leo is a pretty dorminating sign among the zodiac! then character very strong de! She laugh lor.. then she ask me if she is really like that? Hmmm.. wat do u think??
We took bus no 7 home ah! Then went pass my secondary school, CHUNG CHENG HIGH SCHOOL! I told her i use to be a very naughty student, quarrel with teachers and even lock my accounts teacher outside the class!! Wat else i cannot do?? hahaha! At that time, i was a real terror in many of the teachers heart! Then came to poly in year one still love to skip lectures! Really is like an AH LIAN lor! She like so shock when she heard that! So she ask me what made me change so much?
Guess wat was the thing that change my life? What else can it be??? of cos its mummy and CENT club lor! No joke ah! Ever since i join the club, i really tame down alot! I always tot that student leaders must set good examples for their peers lor! Always be the most well behave in class! so i Never ever dare to skip any lectures unless got LOA! Dun dare to talk back to lecturers liao! Hmm.. Then what did mummy change in my life? She really inspire me alot ah! The way she care for her students, the way she care for her family! Always remind me to go n exercise and do my work! Hahaha without her constant nagging hor.. really no drive to work sia! LOLx She make me see my dreams, my vision! I'm clear of what i really want! She also told me that my family really cares alot for me.. its something i never realised for so long! I am so stupid but its never too late to realise that fact! I promise myself that i will treasure them! Love them for who they are for the very fact that they love me too!